السّلام عليكم دان سلامت سجهترا
Dear Visitor,
This website was set up to place my online sources and thoughts in one place. My intention is to share my wishes, views and experience working directly inside the justice system. In my worldview, justice is essential to the legitimacy of any social order. It means that rules are clear, comprehensible to everyday people, enforced regularly, predictably and equally. Our legal system is not confined to litigants claiming their rights in the courts. It encompasses the challenges of an entrepreneur who deals with vague rules and inconsistent enforcement in local governments, the struggles of persons with disabilities, the security of (especially single) mothers, economic opportunities for the disadvantaged, everyday people.
I sincerely hope what I am sharing can benefit you.
My wish list:
(a) testing for dyslexia at point of registration for every Primary School in the country.
(b) legal education to be integrated into school syllabus so that we are aware of our rights from an early age.
Source: The Library of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Examples of Chinese Ornament, Jones, Owen, S. & T. Gilbert (1867)
All images in this website were obtained from open source websites including online archives and libraries. You can find the above at https://archive.org/details/examplesofchines00jone/page/6/mode/2up for example. Thanks to my friend, an editor at in-personam.com for introducing me to this. There are also a couple of images which I have purchased. Please support our local artists and photographers.
If you find any objectionable material in here, please contact me directly if there is something I can/need to do about it.
If you require an interview or legal advice, please reach me at Contacts or through my law firm.
Yours faithfully,
Arik Zakri bin Abdul Kadir
Kuala Lumpur, 2021